This article is for  Almh. Mrs. Yayuk Ruliah Ahmad Yani, wife of the hero of the revolution, General TNI  Ahmad Yani. This article is an expression of my admiration for her as a wife who always accompanies her husband in carrying out his duties, as well as a mother who is so tough in raising her children.

Mrs. Ahmad Yani has the full name Yayuk Ruliah Subandiah Sutodiwiryo, born in Denpasar October 1, 1924 and died on May 12, 1991. She is the daughter of R Sutodiwirjo and has an older brother, she spent her childhood in the city of Denpasar and studied there up to HIS level. After completing HIS level, She moved to Purworejo to follow his brother and sister-in-law. She also continued his secondary school education there, but World War II broke out which caused his education to be slightly hampered. Finally he continued his brother's business, namely opening a typing course and finally he became a typing teacher there. It was unexpected that one of his students in the future would be his husband, because one of the course students was Mr. Ahmad Yani. Pak Yani had "disappeared" for a moment after 2 months of taking a typing course which turned out to be that he attended PETA education in Bogor. He and Pak Yani met again in a welcoming ceremony for PETA's young officers at the Purworejo Kadipaten. Until finally on December 5, 1944, he and Pak Yani took their wedding and were blessed with 8 children. For approximately 21 years of marriage he has faithfully accompanied Pak Yani in joy and sorrow, his loyalty really amazed me and touched me. Although in the end Pak Yani died in the G30S / PKI incident and his marriage had to end as a result of that incident. When Pak Yani died she was at the Official House in Taman Suropati, Tirakatan in order to welcome her birthday. After the incident happened, she's very shocked, but finally she got up and took the role of head of the family and single parent for his children. starting by opening a grocery store on Jalan Bangka, selling cassava chips, until finally opening a home decorating business he did everything to support the family's economy. Until he succeeded in taking his children to a higher level. The toughness that she shows proves that she is an extraordinary woman and is a tough heroine against the harshness of life.

Maybe this is what I can describe, hopefully it will be useful for all readers. and for the Almh. Mrs. Yayuk Ruliah Ahmad Yani, allow me to send my greetings of respect and prostration for all the loyalty and toughness that is so inspiring. We wish you the best place with God Almighty with your beloved husband


Basis of Writing:

Achmad Yani's book, the golden child who was smashed

Profile Book of a TNI Soldier

the book's Ahmad Yani Tumbal Revolusi

Photo source:  book Achmad Yani The Golden Child Who Went Away with a little coloring
