The Bombing of Semarang Salatiga and Ambarawa (29 Juli 1947)

Pengeboman Semarang Salatiga Ambarawa - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ...

The bombings of Semarang Salatiga and Ambarawa July 29, 1947 were very historic events for Indonesia. This incident was carried out in response to the violations committed by the Dutch on the Linggarjati negotiations and the launch of the first military aggression on July 21, 1947.

The bombing of the Javanese triangle city was carried out by young pilots from the Jogjakarta Air Force flight school which was also the forerunner of the Air Force Academy. This incident began on July 29, 1947 at 5:00 with the initial targets being Semarang and Salatiga, by utilizing the remaining Japanese legacy Guntai Dive-bomber, Hayabusha Fight-Trainer, and two basic Cureng Trainers and equipped with bombs on each. Cureng aircraft 2x 25 kg, Guntei 4x 50 kg with a number of bombs of 300 Kg. Young aviators

consisting of Cadet Bambang Saptoaji, Cadet Mulyono, Cadet Suharnoko Harbani and Cadet Sutarjo launched their attacks on the Java Island triangle. Cadet Mulyono, accompanied by an air gunner from Kadet Dulrachman was plotted to attack Semarang with the escort of Cadet Bambang Saptoaji who flew Hayabusha, Cadet Sutarjo was appointed as the flight leader and assigned to attack Salatiga along with his gunner, also named Cadet Sutarjo. The two of them were also accompanied by Cadet Suharnoko as Wingman and Cadet Kaput as the shooter. Although their lack of flying experience did not dampen their enthusiasm for this voluntary operation. The bombing of Ambarawa was carried out by Kadet Suharnoko with brilliant results. After completing the operation, Kadet Suharnoko returned to join the entourage which was currently in Salatiga.

This bombing action recorded the first history in the struggle of the Indonesian Air Force and at the same time became a symbol of the real contribution of the Indonesian Air Force in the history of Indonesia

(Summarized from various sources)
