The Surakarta General Attack (7-10 August 1949)

(Illustration from

The Soerakarta General Attack was an attack on the city of Surakarta that took place on 7-10 August 1949 (also known as the four-day Surakarta attack)

This attack was carried out guerrilla and involved student soldiers, they burned and occupied the Dutch headquarters in the Soerakarta area and its surroundings. The idea of ​​a general attack was initiated around Tugu Juang 45 Banjarsari, while the idea of ​​an attack was formulated in Wonosido Village, Sragen Regency.

The troops involved in the general attack in Soerakarta were Detachment II Brigade 17 Surakarta, led by Major Achmadi. For the attack on the city of Soerakarta, which was attacked from four directions, there were Rayon I from Polokarto led by Soehendro, Rayon II led by Sumarto. Meanwhile, Rayon III with commander Prakosa, Rayon IV led by A Latif (the deceased), and Rayon Kota led by Hartono. Mr Slamet Riyadi and Brigade V / Panembahan Senopati were also key figures in this battle.

This battle began on August 7, 1949 at 06.00 at that time TNI troops had infiltrated and controlled the villages around Soerakarta. On 8 August 1949 to 10 August 1949 all troops from SWK 100 to 105 were deployed to help on the first day of the attack targeting the entire city of Soerakarta, TNI / TP did not stay silent, they slowed down the attack by setting traps in the flower market area (during the day both battles.)

The fighting continued until 10 August 1949 The TNI launched a parting attack to mark the end of the fighting and begin a period of ceasefire at 00.00

The impact of this battle was to weaken the confidence of the Dutch parliament in the strength of its army in strengthening Indonesia's position in facing the Round Table Conference in The Hague, Netherlands.

(Summarized from various sources)
